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Why Is There An Army Recruiting Shortage?

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Several factors are at play, making it harder for Army recruiters to meet their goals. One of the biggest challenges is the low propensity among young people due to fear of injury or death. The idea of risking life and limb isn’t exactly appealing, especially when there are other career options available. Research shows that this concern is a significant deterrent for potential recruits.

Another challenge is the medical and mental health barriers for potential recruits. Army recruiting requires meeting strict medical and mental health standards, which can exclude many otherwise interested individuals. A report by the Army Recruiting Command highlights some common disqualifiers affecting enlistment rates.

Changing societal attitudes toward marijuana use also pose a challenge in the Army recruiting process, as drug policies remain stringent within military branches. A more relaxed attitude towards cannabis may be great news for some, but it can exclude potential recruits.

Recent cases of sexual harassment and assault have been a deterrent for female recruitment in the military. This is a recruiting problem that needs to be addressed.

Now that we’ve identified some key factors, let’s explore how they’re being addressed in the next section.

Recruiting for the military is facing challenges due to factors such as fear of injury, medical barriers, drug policies, and sexual harassment. #MilitaryRecruitingShortage #2023GoalsClick to Tweet

Initiatives Implemented to Address Shortages

Alright, let’s dive into the various initiatives that have been implemented or proposed to combat the military recruiting challenges.  Remember, these strategies are being employed across all military branches except for the Marine Corps, which lowered its recruitment goal last year due to outstanding retention rates.

One such initiative is offering pre-basic training courses, such as the Future Soldier Preparatory Course. This program aims to better prepare potential recruits both physically and mentally before they head off to basic training.

The military is also taking a closer look at mental health stereotypes and outdated views on treatments. This effort includes reevaluating how certain conditions are perceived within the armed forces and ensuring that prospective recruits with treatable mental health issues aren’t unfairly excluded from service.

In addition, recruiter assistance programs are being expanded by offering optional civics classes. These classes aim to help applicants improve their scores on entrance exams, increasing their chances of joining one of our esteemed military branches. Though these measures may be beneficial, it is uncertain if they are sufficient to fully resolve the recruitment issue.

However, by addressing various factors contributing to the shortage and investing in innovative solutions like those mentioned above, we can continue working towards a stronger all-volunteer force for our nation’s security.

The military is taking action to combat recruiting shortages with pre-training courses, mental health evaluations, and civics classes for entrance exams. #MilitaryRecruiting #USArmedForcesClick to Tweet

Efforts Towards Recruiting Qualified Women And Addressing Harassment Issues

The military needs more women in its ranks to maintain a diverse and balanced force. But how do we achieve that?

Making Strides: Initiatives Already In Place

  • Improving the SHARP program (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention) to better support victims and hold perpetrators accountable.
  • Establishing a CATCH Program (Catch a Serial Offender), allowing service members to report sexual assault incidents confidentially while helping identify repeat offenders.
  • Promoting open dialogue within military units, encouraging everyone to speak up against harassment or discrimination they witness or experience.

Eager for more information on how you can contribute? Check out this resource on preventing sexual assault in the military.

Though much remains to be done, we can make progress together toward a safe and welcoming military for all. But together, we can create an inclusive environment where all service members thrive – regardless of their gender.

Let’s make the military a safe and inclusive space for everyone. Join us in our efforts to recruit more qualified women and address harassment issues. #MilitaryRecruitingGoals2023 #DiversityandInclusionClick to Tweet

The Impact of Military Health System Genesis on Recruitment

Enter the game-changer: Military Health System Genesis. This new electronic health record system launched by the Pentagon is revolutionizing military recruitment. However, there’s a catch.

MHS Genesis compiles comprehensive medical records of applicants and provides unprecedented access to their medical and mental health backgrounds. Though the extensive data may appear advantageous, it has created some unexpected issues.

The newfound access to detailed applicant information has caused some recruiters to turn away candidates due to concerns about their suitability for service based on these records. This means that MHS Genesis may be contributing to recruiting challenges as well.

You see, with great power comes great responsibility (and potential pitfalls). Finding the right balance between privacy and ensuring recruits are fit for service can be tricky business.

Military leaders must weigh the pros and cons carefully when making decisions based on an applicant’s past medical history or mental health treatments – all while maintaining high standards across military branches.

  • Action #1: Revisit policies surrounding the disclosure of medical records and privacy rights for applicants.
  • Action #2: Train recruiters to make informed decisions based on comprehensive medical information without compromising standards or discriminating against potential recruits.
  • Action #3: Consider implementing additional support systems, such as mentorship programs, to help recruits navigate the challenges of military life while addressing any pre-existing health concerns.

In a nutshell, striking the right balance is crucial in ensuring that MHS Genesis serves as an asset rather than a hindrance in meeting recruiting goals and maintaining national security.

“Military Health System Genesis is revolutionizing recruitment, but access to medical records can lead to unintended consequences. Balancing privacy and suitability concerns is crucial for meeting recruiting goals.” #MilitaryRecruitingShortage2023Click to Tweet

Are you curious about the enlistment standards and entrance exam scores for different military branches? Let me break it down for you.

The question is, how do we balance the need for qualified recruits while maintaining high standards?

  1. Understand ASVAB score requirements: Before applying, familiarize yourself with each branch’s minimum Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score requirement.
  2. Evaluate your qualifications: Consider your strengths and weaknesses while assessing which branch might be a better fit based on their specific entry criteria.
  3. Weigh pros and cons: Determine whether pursuing a waiver is worth potentially compromising your chances of being accepted into other military programs or roles if denied by one branch due to low test scores or other concerns.
  4. Maintain integrity: Upholding high moral character is crucial within all military branches, so don’t compromise your values in pursuit of enlistment.

Finding an equilibrium between bringing in suitable people and keeping up elevated expectations for our military personnel is the ultimate aim.

FAQs concerning Military Recruiting Shortage Goals 2023

What is the US Military Recruiting Goal?

The overall US military recruiting goal varies each year depending on factors such as force size requirements, budget constraints, and national security priorities. Generally speaking, all branches aim to recruit highly capable individuals with diverse backgrounds who can fulfill critical roles across different areas of expertise.

Why is the Army Struggling to Recruit?

The Army recruitment struggles stem from multiple factors including low propensity among young people due to fear of injury or death; medical and mental health barriers; changing societal attitudes toward marijuana use; sexual harassment scandals impacting female enlistment rates; retention issues exacerbating shortages; and outdated views on mental health treatments.


As we look toward the Army recruiting shortage goals of 2023, it’s clear that there are several challenges facing recruiters and potential recruits alike. From changing societal attitudes towards marijuana use to the impact of COVID-related disruptions on education, there are many factors contributing to this ongoing problem.

However, there is hope on the horizon. With initiatives like pre-basic training courses and expanded recruiter assistance programs, as well as a renewed focus on recruiting qualified women while addressing sexual harassment/assault incidents, we can work together to overcome these obstacles and build a stronger military for years to come.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can get involved with Army Recruiting Command or supporting our efforts in any way possible, please visit today!

  • Recruiting goals: The military branches have set recruiting goals for each year, and the 2023 recruiting mission is no exception. The goal is to recruit potential recruits who are qualified and committed to serving their country.
  • Recruiting process: The recruiting process can be lengthy and complex, but it’s important to ensure that only the best candidates are selected. This includes meeting physical and mental health requirements, passing a background check, and completing basic training or boot camp.
  • Recruiting problem: Despite the efforts of recruiters, there is still a recruiting problem in the military. This is due in part to a lack of interest from prospective recruits, as well as competition from other career paths.
  • Future Soldier Preparatory: To help prepare recruits for basic training, the military offers a program called Future Soldier Preparatory. This program provides training in physical fitness, military customs and courtesies, and other skills that will be useful during basic training.
  • Recruiting target: The military has a specific recruiting target each year, which is based on the needs of the military and national security. This target may vary depending on the branch of the military and other factors.
  • Military families: Military families play an important role in the recruiting process, as they can provide support and encouragement to potential recruits. They also understand the challenges and rewards of military service.
  • Army National Guard: The Army National Guard is an important part of the military, providing support during emergencies and other situations. They also offer opportunities for part-time service.
  • Army missed: If you’ve missed your chance to join the military, there may still be opportunities available. Contact a recruiter to learn more.
  • Air Force: The Air Force is one of the branches of the military, offering opportunities in aviation, technology, and other fields.
  • Marine Corps: The Marine Corps is another branch of the military, known for its rigorous training and commitment to excellence.
  • Continue serving: If you’re already in the military, there may be opportunities to continue serving through reenlistment or other programs.
  • Army Secretary Christine Wormuth: Army Secretary Christine Wormuth has emphasized the importance of recruiting and retaining qualified personnel to maintain an all-volunteer force.
  • Noncommissioned officers: Noncommissioned officers play an important role in the military, providing leadership and guidance to potential recruits and other personnel.
  • National security: The military plays a critical role in protecting our national security, and recruiting qualified personnel is essential to this mission.

If you’re interested in learning more about Army recruiting or any of the topics discussed here, please visit for more information.
